Statement comes a day after Punjab CM announced that the prime suspect in the case had been caughtA day after Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif claimed the arrest of Zainab’s murderer, the Kasur girl’s father has criticised how those in attendance ‘celebrated’ their ‘performance’ while he continued to weep for his daughter, Express News reported. At a news conference on Wednesday, the Punjab CM confirmed that Imran Ali, prime suspect in the rape-murder case, has been nabbed and applauded the provincial departments for their efforts to materialise the arrest. “While we’re grieving the death of our daughter, those present at the presser clapped,” said Muhammad Ameen, Zainab’s father. Ameen questioned if those at the presser clapped at the miscreant’s involvement in the incidents of assault for the last more than two years. Shehbaz Sharif is a showman, not politician: Khursheed ShahHe accused CM Shehbaz of closing both of his mics when he attempted to list his demands.
Source: The Express Tribune January 24, 2018 18:25 UTC