STRONG indication emerged on Wednesday that the authorities of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife have suspended Professor Richard Akindele, who was allegedly involved in s3x-for-marks scandal. It is recalled that a recorded audio conversation of the don, demanding for five rounds to increase the grade or marks of a female undergraduate had gone viral, generating varied reactions from the cross-section of the public. However, a credible source in the university informed the Nigerian Tribune that investigative panel constituted to investigate the allegation by the management of OAU had submitted its report on Tuesday. The source hinted that a prima facie was established by the panel against the don and the recommendation of his suspension had been implemented by the university management. But, efforts to get the confirmation of suspension order proved abortive as calls put through to the mobile phone of the OAU Public Relations Officer (PRO), Mr Abiodun Olarewaju rang out without a response, while text message forwarded to him was not replied.
Source: Nigerian Tribune April 18, 2018 20:37 UTC