Sen. Kamala Harris calls on McConnell to bring back Senate amid unemployment surge - News Summed Up

Sen. Kamala Harris calls on McConnell to bring back Senate amid unemployment surge

As businesses have been forced to shutter during the pandemic, a stunning 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, after 3.3 million filed the week before that. NORTH AMERICAN BOX OFFICE SUFFERS $600M DEFICIT YEAR-OVER-YEAR CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: REPORT"Mitch McConnell must call the Senate back into session," she said. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPSenate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is now calling on Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia to make sure that people can quickly collect their unemployment benefits. "You must move heaven and earth to make sure that Americans are able to receive their unemployment benefits ASAP," Schumer said. "His signature ensures access to incentives for businesses to retain workers and continue paying them, as well as enhanced unemployment benefits.

Source: Fox News April 02, 2020 14:48 UTC

