Sen. Johnson warns of 'unequal application of justice' as Capitol riot suspects sit in jail, vs Antifa, BLM - News Summed Up

Sen. Johnson warns of 'unequal application of justice' as Capitol riot suspects sit in jail, vs Antifa, BLM

Referencing how some Capitol riot suspects have been held in strict confinement conditions, the letter also sought to have Garland publicize the conditions Antifa suspects are or were held in. Johnson told Levin that he, Tuberville, Sens. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPThe Wisconsin lawmaker, who hasn't said if he will seek reelection in 2022, went on to note that much of the activism and property damage committed by Black Lives Matter and Antifa was "celebrated." "Black Lives Matter is a violent Marxist, anti-American organization and has done precious little to go into the Black communities and help Black communities build; help Black communities with school choice, [and] help Black communities at all," he said. Johnson condemned city officials who have painted their streets with "Black Lives Matter" – which has happened in Orlando, New York City, Washington and elsewhere across the country.

Source: Fox News June 13, 2021 12:11 UTC

