Scientists say they can make zero-emission cement - News Summed Up

Scientists say they can make zero-emission cement

Cement binds concrete together but the whitish powder is highlycarbon-intensive to produce, with the sector generating more than triple theemissions of global air travel. To produce cement, the basic ingredient in concrete, limestone must befired in kilns at very high temperatures usually achieved by burning fossilfuels like coal. - 'Bright hope' -The cement industry alone accounts for nearly eight percent of human-causedCO2 emissions -- more than any country except China and the United States. They substituted a key ingredient in that process with old cement sourcedfrom demolished buildings, Allwood said. Instead of waste being produced, the end result was recycled cement readyfor use in concrete, bypassing the emissions-heavy process of superheatinglimestone in kilns.

Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha May 22, 2024 17:54 UTC

