Scarlett Johansson Celebrates Joining Jurassic World Franchise - News Summed Up

Scarlett Johansson Celebrates Joining Jurassic World Franchise

After confirming her casting in the upcoming fourth instalment of the Jurassic World franchise on Monday, the Oscar-nominated actor revealed that it was something she’s petitioned for for more than a decade. “I’ve been trying to get into this franchise in any possible way for over 10 years,” Scarlett told Laura Dern in Jurassic Park Moviestore/ShutterstockAdvertisementNo stranger to blockbuster franchises, Scarlett has starred in nine Marvel movies since 2010. Asked what drew her to the Jurassic World saga, she replied: “Everything.”“I’m an enormous Jurassic Park fan,” she said. Plus, the original Jurassic Park screenwriter is back in charge.

Source: Huffington Post June 27, 2024 10:09 UTC

