Saudi Arabia’s explanation on Saturday only added to the international uproar over the killing of dissident Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul. Doubters questioned why it took 18 days since Mr. Khashoggi disappeared in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul for the royal court to admit knowledge of his fate — after insisting for two weeks that he had left the consulate freely after a brief visit. Nor did the Saudis explain why Mr. Khashoggi, a 60-year-old writer, sought to resist in a fight against multiple Saudi security agents. The Saudis also offered no explanation for why a doctor specializing in autopsies was sent on the mission, rather than one who treats live patients or manages forensic evidence. But the most decisive blow to the credibility of the Saudi account could come from Turkey.
Source: New York Times October 20, 2018 16:26 UTC