A protest will be held in front of Salman Khan's houseAfter Salman Khan and Shilpa Shetty, Katrina Kaif has also come under fire for laughing at the ‘casteist’ joke cracked by her Tiger Zinda Hai co-star Salman at a promotional event for the film, reported Hindustan Times. A petition has been filed in a Delhi court seeking an FIR to be lodged against the actors and others for the casteist remark against Schedule Castes. A petition was filed in a Delhi court seeking lodging of FIR against actors Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif & others for allegedly making a casteist remark against Schedule Castes during the promotion of the movie Tiger Zinda Hai. According to the law, he has to serve five years imprisonment.”Asked if he thought Salman Khan who has a huge fan following would get bail easily, Masoom said, “No one is above the law. And talking of his fans, only the elite people did not make him ‘Salman Khan the Star’, people like us watch his films too.
Source: The Express Tribune February 23, 2018 07:07 UTC