The Shiv Sena on Thursday called former Mumbai University vice-chancellor (VC) Sanjay Deshmukh a victim of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious ‘Digital India’ project, in its mouthpiece Saamana. Deshmukh was sacked by Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao on Wednesday, who held him responsible for the varsity’s delay in assessment of answer sheets and declaration of examination results. “Deshmukh tried to implement Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of Digital India and became its victim,” the editorial said. Deshmukh is the first VC to be sacked in the history of the 164-year-old varsity. “Students, teachers and parents have never faced such mental agony in the last 164 years at the University,” it added.
Source: Hindustan Times October 26, 2017 09:56 UTC