Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are known to throw one of the best Diwali parties in B-Town. But this time around, the couple won't be in Mumbai to celebrate Diwali. Akshay and Twinkle along with their kids Aarav and Nitara have ditched the normal celebrations and have taken to travel abraod this Diwali. The family has already left for Maldives to ring in Diwali. ALSO READ: 15 years after marriage, Akshay still can't take his eyes off wife TwinkleALSO READ: Akshay Kumar's romantic getaway with wife Twinkle KhannaThe Rustom actor was spotted with wife and kids at Mumbai airport as he left for Maldives.
Source: India Today October 27, 2016 05:24 UTC