The passenger earnings are Rs 252 crore higher than previous year," SCR's Chief Public Relations Officer M Uma Shankar Kumar said in a release today. The South Central Railway (SCR) has earned a revenue of Rs 3,565 crore in passenger segment in the financial year 2016-17 which is the highest ever passenger earning record in the history of the zone. "The total earnings of passenger services is estimated to be around Rs 3,564.8 crore during the financial year which is the highest ever passenger earning record in the history of SCR. The passenger earnings are Rs 252 crore higher than previous year," SCR's Chief Public Relations Officer M Uma Shankar Kumar said in a release today. SCR operated about 1,468 trips of special trains services on various occassions to clear extra rush of passengers.
Source: dna April 16, 2017 10:07 UTC