While a young boy, Limbaugh explained, he heard his father, also named Rush, talking in the family’s Cape Girardeau, Mo., kitchen with a cousin named Rusby. The houseguest was a doctor and he was stricken with cancer, his voice reduced to a rasp. Don’t you understand, Rush?’”RUSH LIMBAUGH'S SHOCKING CANCER DIAGNOSIS SPURS SUPPORT, WELL WISHESA short time later, Limbaugh said, his father told Rush and his brother, author David Limbaugh, that Rusby wanted them to have his dog. “What does it matter, Rush?” Limbaugh remembered Rusby telling his father. I’m dying.”“And, he would cough up and spit something into a cup,” Limbaugh told his listeners.
Source: Fox News February 04, 2020 01:26 UTC