As per the documents, big chunk of fiscal year’s budget goes to BISPISLAMABAD: The federal government has recommended an allocation of Rs187.93 billion of non-development fund for poverty alleviation in the next fiscal year budget. For 2018-19, the government had reserved Rs118 billion for the programme. In addition, the scholarship amount given on quarterly basis to 3.2 million deserving girls attending government schools will be increased to Rs1,000, an increase of Rs250 from the previous allocation. The federal government has also earmarked Rs2.15 billion in the next fiscal year’s budget for Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, while Rs5.653 billion has been proposed for financial assistance given to poor families by Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal. The government has also planned to launch a new ration card scheme to provide “healthy food” to one million deserving individuals through its Ehsas Programme.
Source: The Express Tribune June 12, 2019 18:55 UTC