Rody tells Reds: No more talk, let’s fight - News Summed Up

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Rody tells Reds: No more talk, let’s fight

Let us start fighting,” Duterte said in remarks addressed to Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founding chairman Jose Ma. Wasted timeHe also slammed Sison for saying that martial law has rendered the peace talks with the communists unnecessary. As commander-in-chief, Duterte said he has the support of more than 100,000 armed forces to go after the communist rebels. Just on holdAt Malacañang, presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella clarified the peace talks with the NDF remain “on hold” and not totally scrapped. “Regarding the peace talks… everything is on hold at this stage until there is – the conditions that are favorable will be agreed upon by both parties,” he said.

Source: Philippine Star July 21, 2017 16:30 UTC

