Roads under water and fallen trees, as storm wreaks havoc on region - News Summed Up

Roads under water and fallen trees, as storm wreaks havoc on region

Roads under water and fallen trees, as storm wreaks havoc on regionDAVID VAN'T WOUT Damage to State Highway 25 after Friday's storm ripped through. Residents in the northern regions battened down overnight in preparation for a storm that brought severe gales, heavy rain and the risk of coastal flooding. Front Miranda Road and East Coast Road in Kaiaua, on the Western edge of the Firth of Thames, was under water in parts. But it was Auckland that kept the pump on, with crews called to 59 jobs in the Auckland region alone. Senior Sergeant Simon Cherry said police were called to 10 jobs involving fallen trees or power poles and three separate vehicle collisions.

Source: Stuff January 04, 2018 18:33 UTC

