Knowledge about forms of emergency contraception other than levonorgestrel emergency contraception remains limited among potential users,30313233 medical providers,3435 and student reproductive rights activists.36 Since 2013, levonorgestrel emergency contraception has been available over the counter with no age restrictions. Each unit is an emergency contraception kit for individual use—for example, a box of Plan B One-Step with a single levonorgestrel emergency contraception tablet. Firstly, measures of emergency contraception sales are not synonymous with use of emergency contraception. As evidenced by shortages and store policies surrounding emergency contraception sales following the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision,54 emergency contraception sales are, at times, distinct from emergency contraception use. Secondly, our estimates of emergency contraception sales likely undercount total sales as they exclude emergency contraception acquired through non-retail (that is, medical) outlets as well as independent pharmacies and online retailers.
Source: New York Times December 20, 2023 23:44 UTC