Resilience and Change - News Summed Up
Resilience and Change

Resilience and Change

March 11, 2024 07:56 UTC

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Resilience and Change

Reversing the needle of the clock leads to the tales via which we un­derstand how the societies once crumbled to the dust, rose not only from the ashes but also managed to become the epitome of resil­ience and change. What made their change possible was the socioeconom­ic and political incentives and initiatives — broad-based and long-lasting — created by the state and individuals as well, for good. The lengthiest of all, the epoch presented an even grimmer picture of Paki­stan with no positive change such as the subjugation of curtain political party leaders along with downsizing democratic values. One of the Herculean tasks Shahbaz has to go through is provid­ing ministries to the individuals having background of that particular theme. Paki­stan is never going to be a welfare state — or appear better at least socio­economic and politically.

Source: The Nation March 11, 2024 07:56 UTC

