In a bid to take on Reliance Jio's free data offers, Bharti Airtel just announced a special 90 days free data pack for its 4G customers. In a bid to take on Reliance Jio's audacious free data introductory offers, telecom operator Bharti Airtel launched a special 90 days free data pack for 4G customers on Friday, Reuters said. Airtel's special pack will be available for Rs 1,495, while for new users, the offer is for Rs 1,494 on the first recharge. It will be launched in other circles in the next few days, Bharti Airtel said in a press release. Calling it a 'fair usage policy', Airtel specified that after consuming a specific amount of the 4G data pack, consumers will be given low-speed data.
Source: dna September 23, 2016 10:25 UTC