Ken Bone, the red sweater-wearing man who went viral after asking a question in 2016 during a Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton presidential debate, has announced his latest endorsement in the 2020 presidential race. “I voted Clinton in '16 and this morning I sealed my mail-in ballot having voted for Jo Jorgensen,” Bone tweeted Wednesday morning. Some of her major campaign issues are the $26 trillion national debt, ending foreign wars and the U.S. incarceration rate. “During the last election cycle, they called me an ‘undecided voter,'" Bone told Fox 2 Now last Tuesday. Bone, wearing his red cardigan sweater, initially went viral as an undecided voter in 2016 when he asked a question of then-candidates Trump and Clinton about energy at a town hall-style debate.
Source: Fox News October 07, 2020 19:41 UTC