Reciting their way into a record - News Summed Up

Reciting their way into a record

more-inStudents of Montessori School, Tanuku, set a record on Wednesday in reciting Telugu poems to mark International Mother Language Day. As many as 1,008 students of the school recited the Vemana Sathakam as part of the ‘Sahasra Galarchana-Vemana Sathakam’ programme on the school premises. After undergoing training by the Telugu language teachers of the school, the students on Wednesday recited the 108 poems authored by Yogi Vemana. The 1,008 students formed 10 batches and each batch recited a dozen poems completing all the 108 poems in the end. School director A. Prakasa Rao felicitated the Telugu teachers.

Source: The Hindu February 21, 2018 19:41 UTC

