Earlier today Realme teased its first laptop and now the brand’s CMO - Francis Wong went ahead and revealed it will be joined by a Realme tablet. Wong posted a poll on his Twitter account to let you vote on the naming of the slate with two options available – Realme Pad and Realme Tab. Which one is your pick?✍️— Francis FutureX (@FrancisRealme) June 9, 2021As of writing, this article Realme Tab holds a slight advantage with 50.3% of all votes compared to 49.7% for the Realme Pad with 20 hours left to vote. There are plenty of unknowns at this point regarding the tablet so we can’t really fill you in on any details. It will likely run on Android and could be part of the newly formed Dizo sub-brand.
Source: The Nation June 09, 2021 13:30 UTC