Nominations for the 43rd Annual Razzie Awards were announced Monday and it was a good (or bad) day for “Blonde,” Disney’s “Pinocchio” and “Morbius.”The Netflix movie “Blonde,” starring Ana de Armas as Marilyn Monroe, received the most nods with eight, including worst picture, director and screenplay. “Good Mourning” netted seven nominations, including worst actor for its star Colson Baker a.k.a. Machine Gun Kelly. Disney’s “Pinocchio” racked up six nominations, while “Morbius” earned five and “The King’s Daughter,” three. The Golden Raspberry Awards (the formal name for the Razzies) will be announced March 11, one day before the Academy Awards ceremony on March 12, as is tradition.
Source: CNN January 23, 2023 19:47 UTC