A number of Bollywood celebs have come out in praise of the Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor starrer costume drama. Now, Ranveer Singh recently tweeted to Shah Rukh Khan, and mentioned that he's anxious for him to watch Padmaavat. To this, Shah Rukh, who has previously worled with Bhansali in Devdas, replied writing, "So sorry didn’t realise it was u, cos now u r Khilji for me. — Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) February 2, 2018So sorry didn’t realise it was u, cos now u r Khilji for me. https://t.co/9coSNSAmNq — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 2, 2018Meanwhile, Padmaavat has raked in a total of Rs 166.50 crore at the domestic box office.
Source: dna February 02, 2018 15:37 UTC