In a glitzy affair, the audio of Rajinikanth’s upcoming film Kaala was launched in Chennai on Wednesday. After the performances, Santhosh took the stage to thank producer Dhanush, director Pa Ranjith and Superstar Rajinikanth along with several others for making the event happen. The film went on to be a success.”One of the finest director’s of this generation.. @beemji 😎 The reason we get to see our SUPERSTAR RAJINIKANTH as Kaala Karikaalan! Kaala has politics but it’s not a political film. I told Ranjith that Kabali was Ranjith’s film, but this should be his and my film as well.”Also read | Kaala audio launch: HighlightsThe superstar ended the speech on a high note by hinting at his political journey.
Source: Indian Express May 10, 2018 06:56 UTC