Another 43 intercity trains, 25 mail trains, and commuter trains will depart from Dhaka later in the day. Eid Specials 1 and 2 will be running on the Dhaka-Chattogram route, whereas Eid Specials 3 and 4 will run on the Dhaka-Dewanganj route. For the Bhairab Bazar-Kishoreganj route, the railway has introduced the Sholakia Eid Specials 5 and 6, and for Mymensingh-Kishoreganj, the Sholakia Eid Specials 6 and 7. A pair of trains named Parbatipur Eid Specials 9 and 10 will be running on the Joydebpur-Parbatipur route. Station Manager Shahadat said, “Intercity trains will not run on Eid, but some will start running from the next day.”
Source: bd News24 March 24, 2025 09:11 UTC