Quest on for recovery funding - News Summed Up
Quest on for recovery funding

Quest on for recovery funding

August 26, 2020 16:30 UTC

Trending Today

Quest on for recovery funding

PHOTO: ODT FILESTwo streams of Covid-19 recovery funding have been identified which might help the Otago Museum’s quest for government funding. Discussions with ministry chief executive Bernadette Cavanagh and senior ministry staff were continuing, and two funding streams had been identified "which might help our situation". The museum continued to receive phase two of the wages subsidy, which provided "critical support" for staff working on the museum’s commercial side. ■ Otago Museum visitor experience manager Teresa Fogarty has continued to help with the management of the Central Stories Museum and Art Gallery in Alexandra. Talks had also taken place with the Central Otago District Council about a formalised tenancy agreement, Dr Griffin said yesterday.

Source: Otago Daily Times August 26, 2020 16:30 UTC

