MUMBAI: Ever since Star Plus broke the announcement of the Star Parivaar Awards returning after a five-year hiatus, fans have been unable to contain their excitement. The prominent faces of Star Plus shows, from Rupali Ganguly, Pranali Rathod, and Sayali Salunkhe to Vijayendra Kumeria, Avinash Mishra, Neha Solanki, and many others, dazzled on the extravagant and glittery red carpet of the Star Parivaar Awards. Rupali Ganguly, who essays the titular role in the Star Plus show Anupama, looked heavenly and elegant in the pink gown. We are sure just like us, the audience too was left awestruck after looking at the grace of the television queen Anupama who rules everyone's hearts. We cannot wait to witness the glamour and elegance of the event on our television screens at the Star Parivaar Awards on 1st October, 7pm on Star Plus!
Source: The Star September 17, 2023 02:27 UTC