Q&A: Kidnapping and extortion: Just another day at the office - News Summed Up

Q&A: Kidnapping and extortion: Just another day at the office

Q&A: Kidnapping and extortion: Just another day at the officeIn an ideal world, no one would need the Guidry Group, an international kidnap and ransom, security services and crisis management company. In the actual world, the Guidry Group has resolved more than 70 kidnappings and 40 extortion cases. Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Montgomery, the Guidry Group serves Fortune 500 companies, ultrahigh-net-worth individuals and U.S. government entities. Q: What inspired you to start the Guidry Group? Since we’re the only American company working in Libya now, I’m hoping we can influence other companies to move in and assist us in rebuilding the country.

Source: Libya Today April 25, 2018 10:30 UTC

