Push to teach accurate history - News Summed Up

Push to teach accurate history

Push to teach accurate historyMaori Television An Auckland primary school teacher of 25 years, Tamsin Hanley has mortgaged her home to be able to research and produce 'A critical guide to Māori and Pākehā histories', a professional development package aimed at educating teachers about accurate histories of NZ. Accuracy in teaching New Zealand history is the goal of one teacher who's produced a series of guides for schools. Tamsin Hanley found that the history some schools were teaching wasn't accurate, Maori Television reported. "They teach generally what I call 'standard story' which is a kind of colonial version, like [Captain James] Cook discovered the country and the English Treaty is the [correct] Treaty version and all this stuff which we know now is inaccurate." MAORI TELEVISION Tamsin Hanley found that the history some schools were teaching wasn't accurate.

Source: Stuff January 15, 2018 21:56 UTC

