Protests crisis presents opportunity to reset our political and social order - News Summed Up

Protests crisis presents opportunity to reset our political and social order

Three, the fight for our economic rights and freedoms will be a long battle, especially with our jaded moral and broken social fabric. DiagnosisSix things will ultimately determine if the nation will emerge strong or if it will be sunk by this crisis. Let us face it, why would candidates be willing to splash millions or billions of their own money to run for public office? In our version of democracy, political parties and voters blackmail candidates to bankroll them and for handouts respectively. In 2018/19, the Presidency budget had doubled to Sh10.2 billion, before quickly escalating to over Sh34 billion in the fiscal years between 2020 -2022.

Source: Daily Nation June 28, 2024 19:00 UTC

