Prolific, Digital, and Violent: The Far-Right’s Online “Republic of Letters” — THE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS REVIEW - News Summed Up

Prolific, Digital, and Violent: The Far-Right’s Online “Republic of Letters” — THE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS REVIEW

Finally, this article concludes with recommendations for better addressing and analyzing this growing corpus of violent literature. Defining and Assessing the Success of Far-Right ManifestosThe body of online far-right literature grows with the circulation of each new manifesto that is published in association with a violent far-right terrorist attack. Over time, the violent far-right has successfully constructed a violent republic of letters, and these shared citations and references can reflect patterns of influence and inspiration. Importantly, many influential pieces of far-right literature may feature only a few of these elements, but not all. Contemporary far-right manifestos often contain information about assembling explosives, selecting targets, and even acquiring requisite financial support for attacks.

Source: Wall Street Journal September 20, 2020 20:15 UTC

