Actors Priyanka Chopra, Parineeti Chopra and Mannara Chopra don’t get time meet often, considering their work commitments and travel. However, there is one place where the Chopra cousins stay connected with each other — their WhatsApp group. We cousins, we are 14 of us, and we have this family cousins’ WhatsApp group called ‘The Chopras’. Some of us cousins are constantly travelling, so, we also share pictures from our trips,” she says. Parineeti Chopra followed the footsteps of Priyanaka Chopra and joined Bollywood in 2011 (Photo:Instagram/parineetichopra)Mannara followed her cousins Priyanka and Parineeti into showbiz, starting her career with modelling and TV commercials.
Source: Hindustan Times May 09, 2018 12:43 UTC