Prince seen as bombing BBC interview - News Summed Up

Prince seen as bombing BBC interview

BloombergPrince Andrew’s attempt to explain away his friendship with pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein in a high-profile TV interview degenerated into a farce that threatens to be the British royal family’s biggest public relations disaster since its handling of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. #PrinceAndrew trended high on Twitter as Saturday’s hour-long interview with the BBC began airing on prime-time British TV. Interviewed by Newsnight host Emily Maitlis in a carpeted room, Queen Elizabeth II’s second son gave a wooden display in which he denied sleeping with Virginia Roberts, one of Epstein’s alleged teenaged sex slaves. He knew the liaison did not happen, he said, because Roberts has referred to him being “sweaty” — and he once had a medical condition at the time that meant he could not sweat. Also, he remembered taking his daughter Princess Beatrice to a Pizza Express restaurant in suburban Surrey.

Source: Taipei Times November 17, 2019 16:07 UTC

