Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday unveiled multiple metro projects across the country, including India's first underwater metro line in Calcutta, reports PTI. The stretch also has the deepest metro station in the country -- the Howrah metro station. ADVERTISEMENTAfter the inauguration programme, Modi took a metro ride from Esplanade to Howrah Maidan along with school children. From the function at the Esplanade metro station, the PM also inaugurated the Kavi Subhash-Hemanta Mukhopadhyay section of the New Garia-Aiport line and the Taratala-Majerhat section of the Joka-Esplanade line of the Calcutta Metro, the country's oldest metro network. The Majerhat metro station is a unique elevated installation across railway lines, platforms and a canal, an official statement said.
Source: The Telegraph March 06, 2024 07:12 UTC