President Sisi attends admission interviews at Military Academy - News Summed Up

President Sisi attends admission interviews at Military Academy

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi listening to a candidate speaking in an admission interview at the Military Academy. October 20, 2019. Press PhotoCAIRO - 20 October 2019: President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi visited on Sunday the Military Academy and attended the admission interviews held for candidates applying to join the military faculties and institutes.The president discussed with candidates some internal and external affairs, Egytian history and ongoing development accomplishments in different sectors. Later on, Sisi expressed his happiness over the candidate’s awareness on variables that may influence Egypt’s national security.The president affirmed that the Armed Forces selects its members from all segments of the population stressing that the admission process is characterized by objectivity and integrity. Sisi praised the candidates for their eagerness to defend their homeland and its stability asserting that the current development of the Armed Forces requires the selection of fighters capable of accomplishing missions under any circumstances.On Thursday, the president attended the commencement of the first batch of the Armed Forces College of Medicine.

Source: Egypt Today October 20, 2019 12:56 UTC

