President 2017 Annual Message: “Accounting For Our Stewardship” - News Summed Up

President 2017 Annual Message: “Accounting For Our Stewardship”

Honorable Legislators: It is with humility, gratitude and soulful contemplation that I stand before you this 23rd day of January 2017, to deliver my last Annual Message to the nation as the President of Liberia. These include the National Transit Authority, the Liberia Broadcasting System, the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, and the Liberia Electricity Corporation. The health system has been decentralized, with the establishment of a functional county health team in each county and district health officers assigned to each health district. Despite improvements, deficiencies of the health system were exposed when the disease hit us. Your support for dual citizenship will enable our Diaspora citizens to become participants and supporters of our national development efforts.

Source: Front Page Africa January 23, 2017 21:23 UTC

