Poto Williams & Police Commissioner embark upon gang crackdown that will probably make things worse (why drive by shootings are the least of our worries) - News Summed Up

Poto Williams & Police Commissioner embark upon gang crackdown that will probably make things worse (why drive by shootings are the least of our worries)

The problem is that the dynamics of what are actually happening here are well beyond the scope of this current Policing action. Kicking in doors and roughing up local enforcers misses the far greater forces at play here and seems almost child like in its optimism. TDB Recommends NewzEngine.comThe danger to us as NZers is that the South American Cartels now see NZ as a legitimate market and their uber violence and counter-terrorism sophistication will cut through local law like a laser through butter. There are far worse things than dive by shootings. If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media.

Source: New Zealand Herald June 04, 2022 21:05 UTC

