Potatoes prevent food crisis and restore ‘dignity and hope’ in Ethiopia, Irish aid agency says - News Summed Up

Potatoes prevent food crisis and restore ‘dignity and hope’ in Ethiopia, Irish aid agency says

Irish potatoes have prevented another major humanitarian food crisis in one of the poorest and most remote parts of Ethiopia, the Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide has said. The humble spud, introduced by Concern Worldwide into the country’s drought-prone northern highland regions in 2007, is credited with a major drop in food shortages and improvements in the local economy. The vegetable is thriving where other crops had failed to grow at 3,000 metres above sea level where visitors can even struggle to breathe. Eileen MorrowConcern’s Ethiopia Country Director, Eileen Morrow, said: “This incredible success has broken the cycle of dependence on emergency relief and restored dignity and hope in areas that have been hit by recurrent disasters. Ms Morrow said the Irish potato was key to solving the biggest challenge faced by the highland population of Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News April 23, 2019 14:03 UTC

