Post-budget polling: Newspoll and Resolve Strategic (open thread) – The Poll Bludger - News Summed Up

Post-budget polling: Newspoll and Resolve Strategic (open thread) – The Poll Bludger

The post-budget Newspoll in The Australian offers good news for Labor on voting intention, despite recorded an at best subdued reaction to the budget. An even 27% think the budget will be good for the economy, which is in fact the equal worst result since the Abbott government’s first budget in 2014. The pollster does not produce a two-party preferred result, and calculating one is complicated by its large 12% reading for a generic “independent” option. However, 60% felt the government was handling immigration in an “unplanned and unmanaged way”, compared with only 20% for planned and managed. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1602.

Source: Washington Post May 20, 2024 08:00 UTC

