Pope: May we hear the voice of the unborn through sciencePope Francis gives the preface to a book in Italian entitled, "The Miracle of Life" (Piemme publisher) by Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori together with scientist Gabriele Semprebon and author Luca Crippa. The book aims to deepen discusion on the subject without any ideological barriers, as Italy's Corriere della Sera writes in a preview of the publication. May 22, 2023The book coverPOPE FRANCISThis book aims to remind the reader of the wonder and joy of each one's coming into the world. It shows the beauty of looking at unborn life as the holder of the highest right that belongs to everyone: that of existing. Beauty, yes, because the spectacle of nature taking its course instills wonder and calls for care, protection, and welcome.
Source: The Herald May 22, 2023 06:02 UTC