Pompeo says no pressure on Ethiopia about dam project - News Summed Up

Pompeo says no pressure on Ethiopia about dam project

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has said his government “won’t impose a solution” on Ethiopia in negotiations with Egypt and Sudan regarding the $5 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project. The remarks were in response to a question during a news conference in Addis Ababa that his government clearly takes sides with Egypt in the U.S.-sponsored talks between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan on the filling and operation of GERD. The three countries met seven times, including last week in Washington, but no conclusive agreement has been made. Egypt says it fears GERD would significantly reduce Nile River water flowing into its borders while Ethiopia maintains it needs the hydro power scheme for its national development. Pompeo also met and held discussed with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Sahle-Work Zewde.

Source: Ethiopian News February 18, 2020 18:45 UTC

