Pomahaka low - water use restricted - News Summed Up

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Pomahaka low - water use restricted

The Pomahaka River at Kelso, showing signs of lower water levels. The council reminded Tapanui and Waipahi residents, and members of the Glenkenich and Moa Flat rural water schemes, to conserve water this month, in order to minimise effects on low Pomahaka River flows and reservoirs. “We want to alert people to the fact the river is low and that they need to conserve water where they can. Earlier assessments established peak summer water usage in Tapanui was more than double the national average of 227 litres a day, at an average 500 litres. From a recreational point of view, the low flow in the Pomahaka was not unduly concerning, Otago Fish&Game spokesman Bruce Quirey said.

Source: Otago Daily Times April 01, 2021 19:18 UTC

