Polls becoming PPP vs PML-N blocs’ affair - News Summed Up

Polls becoming PPP vs PML-N blocs’ affair

PPP supremo Asif Ali Zardari has predict­ed that the PPP and the PML-N might need each other when the results are finalised at the end of the polls. The PML-N was the early bird, as it tried to win the smaller parties in Sindh and Balochistan. As the nation goes to the elections, it will be the PPP bloc versus the PML-N bloc and after the polls, it may again surprisingly be the PPP bloc in coalition with the PML-N bloc to form a government. The PPP supremo believes that if the PPP and the PML-N fail to reach a power-shar­ing formula, the PPP might form a coalition govern­ment with the help of smaller parties pushing the PML-N on the opposition benches. While Sindh is a PPP stronghold, Zardari has close ties with several Baloch leaders who can possibly support the PPP in the polls.

Source: The Nation November 28, 2023 16:27 UTC

