Poll uncertainty adds to Kenya’s business decline - News Summed Up

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Poll uncertainty adds to Kenya’s business decline

| Published Wed, September 13th 2017 at 08:03, Updated September 13th 2017 at 08:06 GMT +3A farmer sorts out maize for shelling. The August elections have been blamed for the current business dip. Kenya’s elections have been blamed for a slower growth by the private sector, lobbies and political commentaries. ALSO READ: Farmers laud State's decision on maize subsidyIssack Abbey, who owns several M-Pesa outlets, says business has slowed even as transactions reduce and purchasing power shrinks. Mr Abbey said that with the uncertainty surrounding the elections, investors were shying away from making decisions while those who do business with the Government are not getting paid or generating new deals.

Source: Standard Digital September 13, 2017 05:03 UTC

