Plans to reopen indoor social activity with the so-called Indian variant of Covid-19 circulating in Ireland is “nearly as insane as Christmas”, according to a member of the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group (ISAG). Dr Paul Dempsey, who is a population health and risk data analyst, said that while outdoor activity “might be unaffected” by the variant in the event cases are contained within mandatory quarantine, indoor activity “is nearly as insane as Christmas”. Cases of Covid-19 spiked enormously following a relaxation of public health guidelines over the Christmas period. “When they talk about reopening certain sectors, they are not attaching any criteria to that,” she said. “To have Bord Fáilte drafting the plan for the reopening of indoor hospitality is not the correct way to do it,” he said.
Source: The Irish Times May 26, 2021 14:51 UTC