Plans To Modernise Liberia's IP Operating Systems In The Works - News Summed Up

Plans To Modernise Liberia's IP Operating Systems In The Works

Ms. Gamai Koboi, the Director General of Liberia's Intellectual Property Office (LIPO) has plans to address the country's lack of data on the impact of intellectual property (IP) on the economy. In a recent interview, Ms. Koboi said Liberia has had various development plans and sectorial policies implemented over the last 20 years. Further, Ms. Koboi plans to modernise the operating systems at the LIPO. Ms. Koboi has not provided a date on when the studies should begin, but is committed to having it finalised before the end of 2024. Source: LIPO Director General Unveils "Ambitious Vision" ( content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter.

Source: Daily Observer May 21, 2024 06:15 UTC

