Protesters have dug in their heels, carrying out roadblocks and continuing peaceful marches that have often ended in clashes with security forces. Boluarte’s hawkish posture—despite appalling reports of police brutality—is reminiscent of the Peruvian state’s mano dura tactics against perceived enemies during Peru’s internal armed conflict in the 1980s and ‘90s when security forces acted with impunity. Peru’s failure to consolidate its post-conflict transitional justice agenda will likely exacerbate the challenge of holding authorities accountable for human rights abuses during the crisis. The timing of López Aliaga’s attack against the historical memory of the conflict is not a coincidence amid weakening accountability for Peruvian security forces. Likewise, the law could make it more challenging to hold security forces responsible for abuses.
Source: Los Angeles Times February 03, 2023 08:38 UTC