Pedestrians avoid 10-mile walk after councillor clarifies - News Summed Up

Pedestrians avoid 10-mile walk after councillor clarifies

The council had initially told The Oldham Times that pedestrians and cyclists would be required to follow "the same diversion" planned for motorists, adding 10 miles to what should be a short walk. However, local councillor Pam Byrne clarified the situation, and said she would be reassuring residents at her surgeries. “We advise residents to use other any routes they may know.”Follow The Oldham Times on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and Threads. The 350 usually does a loop of Delph on its way from Oldham to Ashton via Uppermill. The temporary change will see the route cut out Grains Bar and Denshaw during the works, instead looping around at Whinberry Way and going to Delph Cross Roads via the A62.

Source: The Times November 28, 2023 02:22 UTC

