Peace and stability must be restored in the Middle East and North Africa so as to alleviate poverty - News Summed Up

Peace and stability must be restored in the Middle East and North Africa so as to alleviate poverty

The persistence of political and social unrest in the Arab region have become the main drivers of poverty. In Yemen, more than 50% of the population live in extreme poverty, whereas this malaise now affects around 1/3 of Libya’s population. Refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons in the region experience extreme poverty in a way unbeknownst to them hitherto. Depletion of resources, desertification and water scarcity are indiscriminately affecting countries in the Middle East and North Africa. It has given rise to an ecological crisis affecting the livelihood of millions of people and forcing people to flee.”He concluded stating that addressing the multidimensional elements of poverty in the Arab region requires adopting a holistic approach addressing the root-causes of extreme poverty in the Arab region.

Source: The North Africa Journal October 17, 2017 09:22 UTC

