Palestinian resistance destroys more Israeli tanks, kills 43 soldiers - News Summed Up

Palestinian resistance destroys more Israeli tanks, kills 43 soldiers

The Palestinian resistance has inflicted heavy losses on the Israeli occupation army, destroying more than 160 military vehicles, including tanks, in the past 48 hours, according to Abu Ubaida, the spokesperson of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. Abu Ubaida said in a recorded speech on Saturday that the resistance fighters are confronting the Israeli tanks with fierce resistance and forcing them to retreat or change their course of invasion. Meanwhile, the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, said that they targeted Israeli military gatherings near the Zaytoun neighbourhood in Gaza with mortar shells and rockets. Also on Saturday, the Israeli occupation army announced the death of five of its soldiers in clashes in Gaza, bringing the total number of its casualties to 43 since the start of the ground operation on October 27. The demonstrators, escorted by the British police, waved Palestinian flags and banners reading “Free Palestine” and “Stop the bombing of Gaza.”

Source: Daily News Egypt November 12, 2023 17:27 UTC

